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Image by Maxim Tolchinskiy



First Responders Discount

Moving Assassins understand and support the efforts of our First responders with a special discount for individuals.


Who serve in critical roles such as firefighters, police officers, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), and other similar public safety personnel. We want to show our appreciation for the sacrifices and hard work of these individuals who serve the community and keep it safe.

Job Interview
US Army Soldier in Universal Camouflage Uniform


Military Discount

We are proud to offer a military discount to active military personnel, veterans, and their families in recognition of their service and sacrifice.


Our moving company is dedicated to supporting those who have served our country and we understand the challenges that come with relocating. That's why we're offering a special discount to make the moving process a little easier. Contact us for more information on our military discount and to take advantage of this special offer.

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